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Heart Balance: Taoist Meditation for inner peace and harmony

Live online Beginner-friendly Healing Session + Energy Transmission

With Legendary Taoist Grandmaster Mantak Chia’s guidance

24 August 2024, 13:00 Paris time / 7 am New York time


About this Session



In this session, you will do, and will learn how to reach a state when your thoughts and emotions are balanced, working harmoniously together and you experience ease and inner harmony.

In Taoist philosophy, there is a deep understanding of the connection between the heart and the brain. They are considered two of the most important organs in the human body, each with its unique functions but intricately connected to the overall well-being.

Master Chia will do the Energy Transmission through a camera and his voice. Many students practicing with Master Chia witness the power of Violet Light and receive Healing.


During the session, you will get:

  • Transformative Experience: Enjoy a 1.5-hour session where the legendary Master Mantak Chia explains the secrets of Taoist meditation and guides you step by step.
  • Learn to Meditate: Master Taoist meditation techniques “The Inner Smile” to enhance your inner peace.
  • Activate Palm Energy: Experience an Energy Transmission for palm activation, which remains effective for 40 days. (Repeated watching and practicing are highly recommended)
  • Taoist Stress Reduction Techniques: learn to manage stress and eliminate negative thoughts.

About Master


blankGrandmaster Mantak Chia is the world’s foremost living Taoist Master, listed as number 18 of the 100 most Spiritually Influential people in The Watkins Review. He is the only person to receive The Qigong Master of the Year Award twice and a significant pioneer in awakening the West to the Way of the Tao and openly teaching the secret methods of Taoist Inner Alchemy for 50 years. Master Chia published 60 books on Taoist practices, trained tens of thousands of students, and certified nearly two thousand instructors to spread his vast knowledge. Today, he is still devoted to sharing these powerful ancient tools for physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.


This session is perfect for:

  • Beginners who would like to discover Taoist meditations and the powerful Energy Transmissions by Grandmaster Mantak Chia
  • Anyone who would like to connect with the Unconditional Love and Healing Energy of the Cosmos
  • Healers, energy therapists, and massage practitioners who would like to enhance their healing abilities

What is Energy Transmission?

blankThe students participating in Master Chia’s online or onsite classes state that Master Chia helps them to experience the Primordial Light and Sound for Healing. The Primordial Light and Sound are the foundation of Master Chia’s Taoist teachings. 

“This light connects everything with one another and can be programmed and sent to anyone for healing. I connect with higher-dimensional energy, compress it, and then transmit it. No matter where people are, they will receive it because we are all connected under the same universe. This light has the power to give wisdom and healing. I will walk them through the entire process.” says Master Chia.

The Violet Light is a high vibrational universal energy from the North Star. We call this the Wisdom Light, high vibrational energy. This luminous Violet Light pervades the entire Universe, connecting everything to one another. It is the only energy that can be programmed for healing, as it can rapidly regenerate damaged organs and nerves. Attracting and storing this energy takes time to learn.

How can you benefit from the Violet Light?

Although learning to capture it from the Universe is not easy, you can benefit from the Violet Light programmed by an experienced Taoist Master and sent to you for healing. In such a case, you can feel deep relaxation, bliss, and peacefulness, and the energies within your body will balance out.


This Session will help you to:

  • Enhance Your Physical and Mental Health: Discover the secret to stress reduction and emotional regulation
  • Find Emotional Harmony: Learn to synchronize your heart, mind, and emotions for optimal well-being.
  • Cultivate Positive Energy: Mindful meditations focusing on gratitude, love, and appreciation.
  • Connect Deeply: Foster stronger relationships and a sense of unity with those around you.



Master Mantak Chia will teach in English.Confirmed translations into German, Spanish, French and Russian languages.


Heart Balance Session

24 August 2024.
13:00 Paris time / 7 am New York time
LIVE Zoom session
Lifetime access to recordings



Is this session beginner-friendly?
Yes, the practices you will learn in this session are suitable for very beginners.
How should I prepare for this session?
There is no need for preparations, just find a quiet place with good wifi connection and join this online session
What is the price in dollars/other currency?
We list the prices in euros. The price will be automatically recalculated by your bank and the platform according to the current exchange rate of your bank.
How can I ask my questions during the class?
This short session does not include a Q&A with Grandmaster Mantak Chia. However you can ask your questions in Zoom chat during the session and our team of Senior Instructors will reply back.
What languages will be workshops translated into?
We will provide translation to any language if there are more than 10 students requesting a translation at the special field during the checkout. You will be offered a full refund in case your language group is not complete and canceled.
How to Attend Online Seminar with Master Chia?
More information here > How to Attend Online Seminar
How long will I have access to the Workshops?
You will have lifetime access to recordings of the workshops.
Cancellation policy
If you would like to request a refund for an online event before it begins, email us at [email protected], so we can make a full refund. Refunds are not available after a seminar begins.